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Auto repair shop - No - in Fayetteville

Location: 108 Big Beech Rd, Fayetteville , WV 25840

Office phone



Very professional shop. Very happy with the service I got and will be going back again.
They could have easily of charged me more as they estimated me on the wrong type of oil. They stuck to their estimate which went a long way in earning my trust.

Stephen C.

Source: YELP


I've known about YELP for a long time and have seriously considered posting something a bunch of times, both good and bad, but this is the FIRST time I've actually stopped to post something about my experience because it really stood out from so many other auto repair experiences I've had in the past.
It was such an incredible pleasure working with this team of professionals at Dr. Will's & Kahunas. We recently purchased a used car and was recommended that I go see these guys. They were professional from the first call. They made every effort to accommodate my schedule and serviced my car in a timely manner. The second time I had to take in another one of our cars, they assessed the issue and got the repair done quickly. We've been in there no less than 8 times this past year for the different cars we own and every experience left me appreciative that we found this family and faith based auto shop. We feel very blessed!

Paul B.

Source: YELP


I don't know the owner's name but he came out and looked at the vehicle, took it for a drive and talked to us for a half hour+. The only thing our vehicle needed was something that he doesn't do (an alignment).
:) We laughed and smiled about how he describes auto symptoms. If you live close I'd recommend visiting him if possible instead of using the phone. You'd get more out of it, no doubt!

C C.

Source: YELP

We work with these brands


We perform these services

Brake Services

  • Brake inspection and repair
  • Brake replacement (pads, rotors, etc.)
  • Brake fluid change

Customization and Performance Upgrades

  • Performance tuning
  • Aftermarket exhaust systems
  • Suspension upgrades


  • Computerized vehicle diagnostics
  • Troubleshooting and repair of warning lights

Engine Services

  • Engine repair and rebuilds
  • Cooling system service and repair
  • Exhaust system repair